
We are Open Door English

Who We Are

We are a new English academy that is dedicated to helping each student maximise their individual potential. We do this by offering mentoring and coaching to our students in order to make sure they follow the path that is right for them. This includes helping them to choose the most efficient learning path in relation to their language studies and also helping people of all ages in their professional career development.

Located in Mataró, around 30km north of the Catalan capital of Barcelona, Open Door English has existed since 2019. Despite being a relatively new company, our teaching-staff have many years of experience in the field of education and professional training, meaning that we are fully equipped to deliver top-quality service to our clients.

Open Door English is predominantly a language learning service, with English being the most popular choice among our learners. However, we also offer courses in Catalan, Spanish and French through face to face or online classes.

Providing language solutions provides the keystone for what we believe is a much more important global vision. Our aim is to build strong relations within the local community – people both local and foreign, educational institutions, small businesses and multinationals. By doing this and focussing on helping individuals maximise their linguistic and communicative potential we can present a multitude of opportunities to our clients. Many people of all ages follow paths that are not suited to them and we will strive to help our clients explore all of their options.

In short, language learning opens the door to two key areas:

  • Travelling and/or living abroad.
  • Work/study opportunities.

We dedicate ourselves 100% to making sure our students are as prepared as they can be by fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Maximising student potential
  • Following a study path that fits the needs of the student
  • Making sure the student prepares for the right exam
  • Offering career guidance and mentoring to young students
  • Helping professionals develop their career trajectory
  • Providing a friendly learning environment
  • Working with local businesses to help students secure temporary or permanent work
  • Working with multinationals to help students secure work
  • Implementing a work experience programme
  • Helping students with papers and culture if they wish to work/study/live abroad

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about any of these points. We would love to hear from you and hope that we can work together in the future!

What Our Students Say

A selection of testimonials from our students past and present.


Jordi Serra


“ He empezado este año. He hecho dos clases conjuntamente con mi mujer y estamos muy contentos. Es nativo pero su conocimiento del español y su experiencia hacen que sepa lo que más nos cuesta y ayuda a reforzar estos puntos. Tiene buen sentido del humor, lo que hace las clases muy amenas. ”




“ Las clases particulares con Thomas son muy dinámicas y personalizadas. Se enfoca en lo que el alumno necesita y esto hace que cada clase sea muy productiva. Sus explicaciones sobre gramática son muy claras y la manera de enseñar muy amena, con ejemplos prácticos que son muy sencillos de entender. Muy recomendable. ”




“ Me gusta mucho el enfoque , está muy bien diferenciarse de otros tipos de
academias. Mis hijos están encantados de hacer Inglés en Open Door, aprenden
mucho y no se quieren perder ninguna clase. Muy recomendable. Mucha
suerte!!!? ”




“ Necesitaba un profesor nativo para mejorar mi inglés en el trabajo. Tom me orientó y actualmente estoy haciendo el BEC (Business English Certificate). Lo recomiendo 100%, por ser al mismo tiempo profesional y practico en todos los ambitos. ”




“ Estoy aprendiendo muchísimo y estoy muy motivada con las clases. Las clases se enfoca mucho en las necesidades que necesitas y en los objetivos que propones.”




“ Recomano Open Door English sense dubtes! En el nostre cas, s’han adaptat
molt a les nostres necessitats, que han estat diverses. Tant les meves filles com
jo n’estem molt contentes i esperem el dia de la classe amb ganes! ”




“ Enhorabona! El nou model d’Open Door està destinat a ser un èxit si seguiu
donant classe de la mateixa manera personalitzada i divertida amb la que em
vau donar classe a mi l’any passat. Us recomano enormement! Vaig aprendre
molt amb el Tom! Una abraçada i molta sort! ”